humanities vs. stem

The joke is, there are two kinds of people who work full-time at Starbucks: those without university degrees, and those with university degrees in Philosophy who just couldn't find a job. That is, if you study the Humanities in college, you will be condemned to a unprofitable job and an unfortunate life of poverty compared to your classmates. This sheds some light on a conundrum for new college students trying to pick a major—namely, whether they should study the Humanities (languages, literature, philosophy, history, etc.) or STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). In a modern world dominated by technological progress, the choice is quite evident for the majority of enrollees. Consequently, STEM is encroaching on what was once the primacy of Humanities in the higher education curriculum. What was once the core component of "becoming educated" is now relegated to small departments with less research funding, in danger of disappearing from the mainstream foreve...